What Does Filing For Divorce Entail?
Filing for divorce, even if uncontested, requires a lot of paperwork. The following is a list and description of every document required to file a divorce:
Complaint for Divorce: This is the formal document filed outlining the general terms you are requesting in your divorce. This is the document that starts your formal divorce proceeding once it is formally served on the Defendant via personal service.
Summons: The Summons is required in all lawsuits, including divorces. The summons has to be issued by the clerk’s office and be formally served on the defendant, along with the Complaint.
Once the Summons and Complaint are personally served on the Defendant, you have formally started your divorce proceeding; however, the court requires the following additional documents in all divorce cases.
UCCJEA: This form is required in all cases involving minor children to assist the court in confirming they have jurisdiction over the minor children.
Family Court Information Sheet: This is a statistical form required in Nevada to provide the court will all information needed about both parties, such as address, birth date, social security number, employer, driver’s license number, etc. This document is not public and is retained only by the court for their records.
Affidavit of Resident Witness: If you want to get divorced in Nevada, you need to fill out and file this form with the Court before a Decree of Divorce can be entered. This affidavit is completed by a third party and must be signed in front of a notary. The content of the affidavit is the third party affirming for the court that they have personal knowledge that you have been a resident in the state of Nevada for at least six weeks prior to filing your complaint for divorce.
If filing uncontested, all of the same documents are required, however instead of filing a Complaint for Divorce you file a Joint Petition for Divorce which outlines the terms you both have agreed to, and then you file the Request for Submission of the Decree of Divorce for the Court to sign, which is the document that formally says you are divorced.
All of these documents are available through Second Judicial District Court Self-Help Center. Of course, we are here to help as well should you need assistance in preparing, filing, and serving your divorce documents.
If you have any questions regarding filing for divorce, contact the Law Offices of Andriea A. Aden, Esq. at 775-622-9245. We are here to help.